Policies, Protocols & Procedures
For The Growing Stage Summer Creative Arts Academy
This document provides an overview of The Growing Stage’s policies and procedures for safe educational programs. The Growing Stage continues to follow guidelines provided by state and local government and the Center for Disease Control regarding reopening and safely offering arts experiences to the community and our students.
This document will be made available digitally to parents, teaching artist staff, the community, and Growing Stage employees. Protocols will be modified and revised as conditions change within our state and/or local community. Parents and staff will be notified of any changes to these policies.
For any questions regarding The Growing Stage Theatre’s COVID-19 protocols and procedures, please contact Cara Scalera at cscalera@growingstage.com or (973) 721-6632
- All staff including teaching artists, counselors, and administrators will be vaccinated against COVID-19.
- Camp staff will be trained on COVID-19 safety procedures and protocols as laid out in this document.
- Camp staff will be screened daily for a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19. If any symptoms are present, the staff member will not be permitted to work.
- Camp staff will be required to wear face masks which meet CDC guidelines at all times.
- Registration will be completed online or by phone. Any required medical and emergency contact forms will be sent digitally.
- The COVID Compliance Officer will be responsible for responding to COVID-19 concerns or questions – Cara Scalera / cscalera@growingstage.com/ 973-721-6632.
- The Growing Stage has a small administrative staff that will be working at the theatre during camp. These staff members have all been vaccinated and will have minimal contact with campers. They may assist during check-ins or times between classes and all rules for camp staff apply.
- Deliveries and other outside visitors will be limited to the front lobby and front office areas away from campers. Any guest entering the building for business is required to wear a mask at all times.
- The number of campers will be limited to conform to state guidelines and to keep social distancing requirements within class spaces.
- Students will remain within their assigned groups with the same counselors throughout the week.
The Growing Stage is equipped with Aerus Pure & Clean air purifiers. This
- Destroys over 99% of all surface and airborne contaminants
- Has proven effective in independent studies against bacteria, viruses,
mold, and fungi in the air and on surfaces - Continuously protects, purifies, and freshens air
- Reduces allergens that can trigger allergies and asthma
- Classroom spaces and restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected at the end of each camp day.
- Commonly touched surfaces and any shared objects such as chairs or props will be disinfected between class sessions.
- Each camper will have their own new stagecraft supplies which will be bagged and stored daily to be redistributed to the same camper for the duration of the week. Where possible, one-use disposable items will be used.
- All classroom spaces will have a supply of hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes to be used as needed.
- The theatre will be professionally cleaned at the end of each camp week.
- Face masks must be worn by all campers and staff at all times except during designated mask breaks/snack times when campers are physically distanced
o Note: if a camper at any time needs an extra mask break, a counselor or other staff member will escort them away from their group to ensure physical distancing
- Masks should completely cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly against the sides of face without gaps.
- Masks should meet CDC guidelines (see diagram below).
- If a camper arrives with a mask that does not meet CDC guidelines as shown below, The Growing Stage will provide a disposable surgical style mask.
- Until guidance changes, campers who are unable to wear a mask for medical or other reasons will be directed to our virtual camp session.
- Campers will be socially distanced six feet apart as much as possible throughout the day.
- Assigned groups of campers will be kept separated by at least fifteen feet at all times.
- Spaces within classrooms will be marked and staff will ensure proper distancing during classes and passing times.
- Appropriate distancing will be ensured during mask break/snack time.
- Staff will review proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette with campers:
o Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
o Using hand sanitizer
o Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth
o Covering coughs and sneezes with the crook of your elbow (even while wearing a mask). If using a tissue, tissues should be thrown in the trash and hands should be washed or sanitized.
- Hand washing or hand sanitizing will be required:
o Upon arriving at the theatre
o When entering classroom areas
o Before/after snack
o After going to the bathroom
o Prior to leaving for home
- Parents/Guardians will be asked to complete a digital pre-screening questionnaire which should be returned the day before camp begins. If the camper does not pass the pre-screening process, attendance to camp will not be allowed.
- The questionnaire includes basic questions inquiring about symptoms and possible exposure to COVID-19 which includes out of state travel.
- As of May 17, 2021, the New Jersey travel advisory is no longer in effect, however there continue to be recommendations including delaying travel if you are not vaccinated. The CDC recommends:
- Unvaccinated individuals who do travel should get tested 1-3 days before their trip, 3-5 days after travel, and stay home and self-quarantine for 7 days after domestic travel.
- All parents/guardians must wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up.
- Drop-Off:
- Parent/guardian will bring their camper through the designated front door and must stay until the screening process has been completed.
- Campers will have their temperatures taken with touchless digital thermometer and will be visually assessed for symptoms. The parent/guardian will be asked to confirm that their child has not been experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.
- Following a successful screening, the camper will proceed directly to their first class and the parent/guardian will leave through the designated exit door.
- Pick-Up:
- Parent/guardian will wait outside for pick-up at one of two designated exits to be assigned in advance based on the campers’ assigned groups. Campers will be released to their parent/guardian one at a time and indoor distancing will be maintained through this process.
All campers are required to and should only bring the following:
- Face mask to be worn throughout the camp day
- One extra mask – please label this extra mask, any unlabeled masks left at the theatre may be thrown away.
- Water bottle
- Small snack (Snack time is only 15 minutes)
- Old shirt or smock clearly labeled with camper’s name to protect clothing while painting in stagecraft.
- Small bag or backpack to carry these personal items
- During the camp day on Friday, each group will perform on stage. Their performance will be recorded and this recording will be uploaded as a private youtube video. This private link will be shared with the parents/guardians of the campers and will be available for families to stream together at home until Monday at which point the video will be removed.
- There will be an in-person Friday evening performance in addition to the digital stream. Two guests per camp family can attend this live performance. Masks will be required at all times and seating will be social distanced. Proper distancing will be maintained for the campers throughout the performance.
- This section will be updated to reflect all state regulations and CDC guidelines. We will alert parents/guardians to any changes.
- Know the symptoms of COVID-19:
o Fever or chills
o New uncontrolled cough (For persons with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline.)
o Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
o Muscle or body aches
o New onset of severe headache, especially with fever
o Sore throat
o Nausea or vomiting
o Diarrhea
- If a camper is experiencing any of these symptoms at home, they should not come to camp and The Growing Stage should be notified as soon as possible.
- If a camper begins to display these symptoms while at camp:
o They will be immediately separated from their group and taken to a separate room and the parent/guardian will be called to pick them up.
o CDC guidelines recommend that the parent/guardian contact the child’s healthcare provider for an evaluation to see if they need to be tested for COVID-19. - If a camper shows symptoms of COVID-19 following the end of camp, parent/guardian should contact The Growing Stage. Symptoms of COVID-19 can appear between 1 – 14 days following exposure.
If a camper or staff member tests positive for or has close contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 they should notify The Growing Stage staff as soon as possible. The camper or staff member will not be permitted to attend camp and the following policies will be enacted:
- If the positive case or exposure occurs over a weekend and prior to being at The Growing Stage, camp will continue as planned.
- If the positive case or exposure occurs during the week of camp, parents/guardians of all campers will be notified per guidance from our local health department and the remainder of the week will switch to our VIRTUAL platform.
- If after the camp week has concluded, a camper or close family member tests positive for COVID-19 and it is determined the exposure occurred during the camp week, the parent/guardian should contact The Growing Stage.
- Please note, the CDC lists the following to define “close contact”:
o You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more
o You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
o You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)
o You shared eating or drinking utensils
o They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you
- Before in-person camp can resume for any subsequent weeks, the theatre will be deep cleaned per CDC guidelines and teachers and counselors must meet requirements for negative tests and quarantine times per CDC guidelines.
Your child will take 4 classes throughout the week: Drama, Dance, Music & Art.
Each camp session will be limited to 30 participants which will then be divided into 3 age appropriate groups of 10.
Absolutely! Campers are welcome to sign-up for as many weeks as they would like. Each week of camp will have its own theme with corresponding lessons, songs, and crafts. A discount is provided for additional weeks of camp.
At this time, we are planning for an in-person performance at the end of each in-person camp week. However, due to CDC and NJDOH capacity limitations, only 2 guests per camp family will be allowed to attend. In order to share the camp performance with all family members, we will be providing a secure link to view a filmed version of the camp show for families to enjoy together for a limited time after each camp week.
Filming will not be necessary as we will be providing a secure link to view a filmed version of the camp show for families to enjoy together.
Yes. Full refunds will be granted up until June 18th. After June 18th, camp is non-refundable.
Camp T-Shirt, journal and art supplies
Our camp is under the direction of Lori Lawrence, Director of Educational Programming at The Growing Stage. The teaching Artist staff consists of carefully selected and trained professionals in the fields of theater, dance, music, and education. In addition, all of our counselors are students who are interested in pursuing careers in education, theater, or the fine arts.