Health & Safety Protocols
Updated As of March 10, 2022:
- Face Coverings – Face masks are welcome and encouraged, but no longer required.
- Hand Sanitizer Stations – Cleanliness stations will be set up all around the facility for patrons’ use.
Air Purifiers – The Growing Stage is equipped with Aerus Pure & Clean air purifiers. This technology:
- Destroys over 99% of all surface and airborne contaminants
- Has proven effective in independent studies against bacteria, viruses,
mold, and fungi in the air and on surfaces - Continuously protects, purifies, and freshens air
- Reduces allergens that can trigger allergies and asthma
- Concessions – Popcorn is back! Concessions will be available for sale at all performances! Face masks are welcome and encouraged, but no longer required.

Our health and safety policies are based on current CDC and state recommendations, as well as local transmission levels. These policies are subject to change and all patrons must adhere to our latest policies. Ticket holders should review the Know Before You Go email sent the week prior to their performance date.
If you are sick, we ask that you stay home. The Box Office will gladly credit your account for a future production.
Please contact the Box Office with any questions or concerns: